Train with one of the best personal trainers in the Washington D.C. metro area! Put an end to feeling lethargic and unmotivated. Achieve your full potential with Coach Jovis Mokom.
With a proven track record and extensive years of experience, you can rest assured that you will receive the best training with Jovis Fitness.
Years of experience
Healthy and fit clients
Client satisfaction rate
The Four Pillars of Success
Our fitness programs are centered around these four focus areas that serve as the guiding principles on your journey to get leaner and stronger.
With Jovis Fitness, you will discover how to overcome the mind barriers blocking your goals and realize your true potential.
Discover simple but effective strength training methods you need to see results from an experienced personal trainer.
Coach Jovis has perfected his diet and nutrition to stay lean and strong. He will help you do the same.
Along with step-by-step guidance, we will regularly check-in with you and hold you accountable to ensure you get the results you deserve.
Jovis Mokom
My interest in fitness began when I was 19 years old and living in Cameroon, a country in central Africa in 2011. At the time, I had been drinking heavily and developed unhealthy eating habits as a teenager thinking it was the “dream adult life.” My wake-up call came when my mother and friends expressed concern for my well-being. My mom said “Physically I don't look healthy” It dawned on me that what I thought was luxurious living was actually detrimental to my long-term health. It was at that moment that I made a commitment to myself to do what I can to be healthy.
Within three weeks, I joined the nearest gym located 12 miles away from where I lived. I had every reason not to go: the distance and the idea of training was intimidating. Still, I approached fitness with an open mind. I trained almost daily, and studied the functions of the workout equipment and its impact on the various parts of the anatomy. It was not long before fitness became my passion.
By 2012, I took to bodybuilding to increase my muscle mass. With dedication, discipline, and the right mix of training and diet changes, I was able to achieve my desired goal. I was then inspired to help the people in my community live healthier lives and lessen their risks of developing illnesses. In 2013, I founded Jovis Fitness, a personalized training regimen designed to help clients become their best selves by providing them with tools to achieve and sustain a healthy lifestyle. A journey that started with me in my homeland 11 years ago, is one that I now share with dozens of clients here in the Washington, D.C. area since moving here in 2015. Four years later, I obtained my bachelor's degree in health and fitness which provided me with the knowledge needed to better serve my clients.
I've learned that the secret to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to approach it holistically. Exercise training programs must be complemented by healthy eating plans, adequate sleep schedules, and stress management practices like going on a walk, run, or even riding a bike to clear the mind. This is the foundation upon which I ground all of my training and coaching. At Jovis Fitness, we strive to empower communities to live a more fulfilling, productive life through a nourishing diet, positive thinking, and exercise.